Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Caspian Sci Fest September Activities and Next Steps!

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Hi everyone!

Here’s a short summary of what Caspian Sci Fest was up in September.

September 12-13, 2014: 

Caspian Sci Fest was showcased in Europe’s first ever crowdfundingfestival in Berlin, Germany. One Spark is the first crowdfunding festival that started in 2011 in Jacksonville Florida. So, Caspian Sci Fest is now part of this historical moment with €505,53 in our pockets. Big thanks to Asiya, Tina, Kent and many anonymous supporters and backers who helped Caspian Sci Fest collect €505,53! The money went to cover the costs for logo development and print material (€280) and the remaining sum will go towards starting a proper website! Despite Caspian Sci Fest performed above average, it was not exactly our ambition, also since event participation associated expenses totaled ca. €700, leaving Caspian Sci Fest with ca. €200 in financial loss. Citing Daniel Daboczy, CEO of FundedByMe and the keynote speaker at the closing ceremony “if you are not embarrassed by your first launch, then you have launched too late” we are happy there is a big room for improvement both for us and our backers.

We also think that gain and experience of participating it this event outweighs this minor collateral effect. So, let’s count the good things that happened to us:

1. Caspian Sci Fest gained new supporters all over the world and got to know a lot of cool and awesome people before, during and after this event!

2. Caspian Sci Fest was rated #25 out of 50 participating project – it is quite a BIG SUCCESS given the fact that the founder was promoting her idea to people she did not know. Those people who visiting the event in Berlin were liking and supporting the idea that will take place thousands kilometers away from their town and they were not the target audience for Caspian Sci Fest activities. So our assumption is "if Caspian Sci Fest was found attractive by this group, the direct beneficiaries should also like it". Caspian Sci Fest did not win a prize in the Science category nor gained a free trip to Jacksonville, but it was predictable and to tell the truth was not our main ambition: we wanted to gain experience and spread the word. Plus, in April 2015 we will be very busy getting ready to the first ever science popularizing festival so going to Florida would be difficult :) 

3. Caspian Sci Fest gained more than half of Internet backing of all 50 projects participating at the event - the power of social media has not been exploited in full, but it is already a good result, don't you think?

4. Caspian Sci Fest received support and help: ASN Berlin (Azerbaijan Student Network) offered assistance by sending three shifts of volunteers and hiring a photographer to cover the event, friends of friends stopped by to say hello at the booth during the festival and vote for the project.  

5. Caspian Sci Fest was offered few interesting opportunities and partnerships! We will keep them undisclosed for the moment, but we will soon name all our exciting projects and opportunities.

6. Caspian Sci Fest initiative was covered in leading national news thanks to the help of US Embassy in Azerbaijan staff and especially their Alumni Outreach Coordinator Ramina as well as popular blogsOne of the most popular Russian-language blog Snob.ru restored Asli's profile she deactivated a year ago by allowing her to use their platform for free to promote Caspian Sci Fest initiativeIn addition, few international media editors have confirmed possibility to cover our events once Caspian Sci Fest rolls out its activities!

September 26, 2014: Milan!

Caspian Sci Fest founder Asli was invited to Open Night celebrating European Researchers’ Night 2014 on Leonardo Da Vinci Science Museum premises in Milan. It was an amazing, inspiring and enriching experience uniting people of various age. On that day the Museum also inaugurated its Tinkering zone and a live video speech was given by SanFrancisco Exploratorium’s Tinkering Studio directors, Karen and Mike. Event photos can be seen here.

What’s NEXT?

"Full of new ideas, I am currently working on 18 months activities plan which also include fundraising and media strategy as well as organization structure, thus I will soon start scouting for team members who share the same values and with whom we can work on the dream – the launch of first ever science popularization festival in Baku, Azerbaijan. I am adding the new angle to it – art and music. I have started working on a programme with my partners, world leading museums and  science centers as well as contacting artists and musicians! It’s gonna be fun!

BUT next three months are the most crucial as Caspian Sci Fest initiative needs to get some financial support and I run out of my personal savings. Money is also needed to bring this project on the next professional level and allow me to concentrate on it full-time. So, more than ever I will be busy planning, consulting, lobbying and searching for support! It is going to be a very difficult, but, hopefully, rewarding month! 

Last but not least, without volunteers, friends and family this initiative will be one of many I might have in my mind and then forget the next day. Without inspiration and support I would not fight my fears and doubts. It is a long-long way before results I am aiming at will be seen. It is not a job of one person, but many and currently my main goal is to find likeminded individuals. When I am asked why I spend so much energy in this ambitious project, my position is best described by philosopher Dan Dennett’s phrase “find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it”. I have decided a series of activities I called “back to the roots” of doing something personally meaningful, interesting and important. Caspian Sci Fest is one of them. For me it is more than a project. It is a dream. Let's dream together!" 

Asli, the Founder of Caspian Sci Fest